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Published on March 12, 2005 By Melissa176 In Misc
Horse show today, watched a lot of over dressed over silvered kids, get an air about themselves that was totally parent induced, and watched a lot of unhappy horses moving incorrectly and unnaturaly, just to win , in a town noone knows much about, in a horse show noone has ever heard about and you wouldnt believe the stress and yelling between adults. Seems so many ppl are getting really stressed out over stuff that in the long run dosent really matter, and totally missing the whole concept of enjoying watching thier kids, doing something they are supposed to love... bizzare... beyond me... no wonder Im so unable to "play nice with others" I love to work my horses, but I love to do it, in a large paddock, with thier fuzz flying around in the sunshine and breeze, and I dont love to enter a show barn with artificial lights and a strong odor of ammonia from urine and sour faced over fat show horses..mine are not so slick , not so fat, but also not so sour faced and likely healthier... funny how the paralells to apartment life seem so similar... couldnt get me out of my breeze, with my ugly brown coveralls, off my horse, and put me in a cubby with stale air and pale ppl, all coughing into a tissue ... I may be colder lol, probably a bit healthier, DEFINATLY doing MANY things most wouldnt want to.. but dosent Jenny Craig make clothes? and I know what lane bryant is, because a visiting family member was mad that our mall didnt have one..
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