parenting,politics,opinions,crafts,artistic work,animals,spinning,canning,weaving,and more
Published on March 17, 2005 By Melissa176 In Home & Family
the slogging rain and the chill on the air makes chores harder than usual, but it smells clean, and crisp. I hear the sheep calling me, and the tiny higher pitched calling of a copy cat lamb makes me laugh. "Im coming " I tell them ... I get the hay from under the shelter, counting heads as I walk, and noticing no trouble. I toss the 3 large flakes into the smaller muddy yards. This span between spring and winter, that hjas all the cold wet rain and struggling grass to awaken is the worst. The horses make a muddy mess of the fence line and the sheep, do too. The dogs are all muck up to thier knees, and everyone is covered in sandy clumps of mud. I have to remind myself that the horses and lambs dont really mind. Me in my ccoveralls I know I would. I walk back inside and grab my spinning wheel. The baby isnt awake yet but will be in a minute or two. maybe I can get a little spinning done as I wait. Here he comes. I set the wheel aside. I get a big baby kiss and hug as he tells me "Hi Mommy " in his best 3yo happy voice, and I ask him if he wants breakfast, he says yes, sop I get him some oatmeal. its cold so oatmeal is a great breakfast on a day like this. We eat and get dressed, layer after layer on him to keep the chill off. and we go outside to fill water buckets and turn horses out. theres a layer of hay, and manure right in front of the barn I make a mental note of , so I can shovel it out today . maybe durring nap time .. out go the 2 horses still in warm stalls, and I watch thier breath hit the air in a mist. boys out with boys and girls out with girls. I only hope the big mare, Destiny dosent beat up this smaller mare too bad.. and I laugh... The baby follows , asking me if he can ride and I have to try to explain to him that his normal ride is muddy and wet. not much fun at all. so we hurry with the horses and I take him to see Calypso. He rubs the gray horses back and grimaces, "yuckie" he says.. I smile and agree and we go look at the ewes we have in a seperate paddock. They are getting very ready to lamb and we need to check on how they are doing. The baby calls them the "fatties" and I have to agree. but no lambies from them yet . so inside we go. He decides to watch some big bird for a bit and I clean up breakfast dishes. still hoping to get in some spinning, before lunch . I get the dyed wool out of my sink, and set it out to dry, get done in the kitchen and grab my wheel again. I love the relaxing feel of the silky fibers twisting slowly between my fingers. but more than that I love to make things for my friends and family to wear and enjoy they could have gotten from noone else. the Show ends for the baby and I put away my wheel. I grab out some play things for him and we string blocks on some yarn, colo9r and practice weaving on a paper plate. He isnt very good but he has fun .
My oldest girl calls me from her school upset, seems Track meet has been canceled and she wants me to come and get her from school in the afternoon, I assure her I will be there, and get off the phone. The weekend is coming and it is already planned. fences to replace, grass sprigs to get planted , rows to put into the garden , horses to train lambs to be born ... but tonight, horses to bring into cleaned stalls, supper to cook, spinning, weaving and scouring to do to some more wool, and hubbie to come home . maybe he will be in the mood for a cuddle tonight. and Im looking forward to it .

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