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what about "right to DIE?"
Published on March 31, 2005 By Melissa176 In Current Events
everyone villifies and condemns Michael Schiavo , I applaud him !!! what does he REALLY have to gain by standing up to the militant right to life movement? he has moved on, he has a new family YET he did all in his power to keep his WORD...
how come noone can see MAYBE, he DID deeply love his wife, mounned the loss of her a few years ago, but noone publicly was around THEN... he MIGHT have come to terms, bt set his mind to keeping his promise to his wife that he HAD loved probably DEEPLY!.. he didnt get any money from her death.and even if he does, SO WHAT! he has to have loved her so very very much to have put his head on the block of public opinion, to be as steady and unwavering as he was. I think he loved her , more than any activist with a candle or drum could possibly know. THAT more ppl KEPT thier word thru the fires of public condemnation, the world would be a better place. once she was a married woman, her parents DID NOT have the right to make those decisions for her, if she had wanted that done, she would have made THOSE arrangements! MOST of us logicly KNOW our spouses make those choices for us if we dont leave a living will... so, it is reasonable to assume if Terri thought even briefly, her husband was not who she wanted to make those decisions, she would have DONE something about it ... MOST ppl who choose NOT to "get around to it" are in reality , comfortable with the decisions of thier spouses, or in the case of unmarried, then thier families...
I just wish the religious screaming annoying hypocrates, would shut up, and go home ... When those individuals have to Face God for the things I have done and PAY for MY sin, then they can speak ... until then.... dosent it say somewhere... "judge not lest ye be judged"? Im just so tired of EVERYTHING becoming a religious platform ...

on Mar 31, 2005
Keep what "word". To love honor and cherish, til a new girlfriend comes along? Or his "word" to not make her live life that... 7 years after he did make her "live like that".

While I don't condone the actions of the protestors at the hospice (even the family resented their illegal activities), I also resent the crap out of an abusive, control freak husband who picks up a whore on the side and cries crocodile tears about how he's "moved on".

What other wife abusers do you defend?
on Mar 31, 2005

This was not a "right to die" issue, it was a "right to KILL" issue. Terri was killed via denial of basic nutrition for 13 days.

Ever wonder why it took Michael Schiavo 7 years after Terri's collapse to recall that she wanted to be starved to death? (AFTER he received his settlement, btw).

Anyway, it's too bad you don't respect the first amendment of the Constitution. Fortunately for you it exists so you can print this drivel.

on Mar 31, 2005
Strange that he took this position only AFTER he won the cash settlement from the malpractice suit in which a trust was set up to take care of Terry for the rest of her life..
on Mar 31, 2005
"Im just so tired of EVERYTHING becoming a religious platform".
Ha. Well let me remind you this is a topic having to do with life and death and morality. How could religion ever ignore that? If you're tired of it you should open a new tangent to the issue, to argue and debate it under a different guise. A different outlook and point of view. Don't just say you're sick of hearing about religion. Add to it.
I don't know why you applaud the husband though. A cheating husband who has been spending a mintful of money trying to have his wife killed for 15 years?!? Oh Michael is such a nice guy who really loves his wife alright. Nice way of showing it. And when it comes to legal murder of a handicapped person, or any person for that matter, the courts should never take someone's word for it. Especially in a case where the guy who wants to do the killing has something to gain by it. How do we know she said she'd want to die rather than live as a vegetable? Why should we trust in his words alone? To authorize murder/torture one should have definite proof, not simple word of mouth.
on Mar 31, 2005

how many years should it take a husband to accept the truth that his wife is in a persistent vegetative state and cannot recover? It took Michael Schiavo three years (not seven years). Would one month have been more appopriate? Or ten years? What is the usual time that is considered acceptable for non-evil husbands?

From what I read in the Wikipedia article all the money awarded was spent for medical care under a judge's supervision. Do you have reason to believe that this was not so?

on Mar 31, 2005
how many years should it take a husband to accept the truth that his wife is in a persistent vegetative state and cannot recover?

That wasn't the issue. He decided years later, after originally stating that he didn't know what she would want, that she wanted to die. Suspicious at best in my book. Terri didn't just die, she was killed by starvation.

I am not a zealot by any means. I don't even see this as a political or religious issue. We don't just take a person's word for things in court. If Terri had sad she had murdered someone, would the court take her husband's word for it and put her to death? No. There was doubt about what she would have wanted. Why not rule in favor of the people who wanted to care for her?
on Mar 31, 2005

More to the point: He decided AFTER he won the big cash settlement that she wanted to die.  He waited until after he could financially gain from her death. That's ghoulish.

The woman's parents wanted to take care of her. He wanted to move on. Fine. He should have moved on - divorced her.