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the modern small farm
Published on April 12, 2005 By Melissa176 In Home & Family
Lots to learn, farming on small scale, hard to save money this way too, but it is the main plan. it is like a contest for myself, with the electric bill as the final test. As I get better at cutting corners, I can see it there. and heck with gas prices going up the way they are, it cant hurt for me to engage in that kind of self contest. garden is in, veggies are planted,sheep are all shorn , and now we are hearing about the scares with livestock and children.. break out the bleach for horse baths.. dont let anyone see that the kids are barefoot... spent the winter in boots and now want bare feet in the dirt. Just finished cleaning and combing these fantastic fleeces .. made a beautiful prayer shawl for my best girlfriend, it is so soft and lightweight, even my teenage daughter dosent want me to part with it. we have 3 more days till pay day, and getting creative with the dinner meals.. cant wait until the garden is in all the way , saves so much money to have the veggies right at hand. ... still several more fleeces to scour which is another way of saying, washing them. dont need hand cream because the fleeces are full of lanolin . but I get this beautiful color of super soft wool , that was impossible to see before the dirt was gone. and now my bunnies are all trimmed up. the weather is changing and they are hot so they were quite glad to allow me to have thier super soft and beautifully colored wool... spinning some now, there is a contest in interweave press , for those ponchos everyone loves. so Im going to make one, all white, with angora at the top for several inches, like a capelet, and then in corriedale below in the same alabaster ..
now there are 3 horses to work, needing to get my 5yo filly finished, and she is so beautiful. It is nice to see her as an adult.
Destiny , a PMU mare (pregnant mare urine, used to make female hormone replacement drugs) I rescued Last year, as well as her son from last year, Strider. all 3 are in training and all 3 need certian things ..
pictures of the horses if you want to see them. Im glad the weather is finally cooperating ! and the lambs are adorable , now to just get ready for MD sheep and wool festival. I will be able to see other artists and learn from thier mistakes as well as get new ideas I love going there.

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