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the politician who says the following ?
Published on June 8, 2005 By Melissa176 In Politics
What if ??? (and I am being non specific on party affiliation on purpose, ) Lets say a politician were to stand up and say, " Regardless of religion, race belief , MY job is to defend YOUR right to believe what you wish, support the God of your choice, pray how you want, Sing the songs you want, Watch the television you want, vote how you want and , if you have the votes to change the law, marry who you want. It is NOT my job to tell you how to believe or WHO to believe in, it is my job to DEFEND your right to believe, support, vote, voice, or argue for those things that YOU need to. noone has more rights than you,.and you have no rights greater than anyone else. as a PUBLIC servant, my job would be to support you. NOT large corporations or big businesses only. out for themselves. but the facts are, regardless of the strength of your voices, you must votre to tell me what you want. you need to be active and vote. you need to know , to pay for government jobs, either the government needs to increase taxes, or it needs to make money by itself. but as US citizens it is your job to vote and tell me. .. exactly what you want"
for myself, this is what I would like to hear ... how about anyone else?

on Jun 08, 2005
That is exactly what I want to hear.

However, I try to be a bit more realistic, and I know that's not going to happen. Humanity in general is too selfish to allow that to happen. Sucks, though.

Cheers, Pads.