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only THAT would be a more dismal picture of the future
Published on July 1, 2005 By Melissa176 In Politics
3 kids, one actually old enough to need to write an essay about "liberty" and freedom... and another, who wont remember what those words really meant... kindof like when my Daughter had no Idea of who John Wayne was, and asked me If I was alive when the Titanic sank.. my toddler instead of asking about records... will ask about freedom of speech... before the draft, the right to bear arms and many other civil liberties noone seems to remember anymore. Now with 2 impending supreme seats opening up... I fear the worst... making my son pray in public school, even if it isnt his religion or his belief... making birth control illegal... because thats what happens when "right to life" has precedence over right to choose... heck the first ammendment has been breeched already this presidency... how many more can we see fall under the rule of a single man...anyone know if they have put forward any propositionsto give a president more terms? wouldnt suprise me at all, after all the law has been bent and twisted by the legal team working for them, so here we go.... now, if War of the worlds, actually happened now... or "the day after" or armageddon... or independance day ... etc.. ANY of them ... at least there would be GOOD reason for a "police state" and sadly Im not old enough to sigh and recall the good old days knowing the new order wouldnt affect me much ... and im also not young enough to complacently sit aside and join the smiling nodding brainwashed masses who are "ok as long as the market goes back up " with this resignation in the court.. I have great concerns... and begin to wonder ... how cold is Canada exactly
?? and what are THIER laws in cases like eminent domain... I really really dont like that NEW ruling .... lol well maybe they will legalize medical marajuana ... and allow those citizens who are screaming foul to smoke it ...

on Jul 01, 2005
"fear the worst... making my son pray in public school, even if it isnt his religion or his belief... making birth control illegal... because thats what happens when "right to life" has precedence over right to choose... heck the first ammendment has been breeched already this presidency..."

I'd defy you to prove that any of that has even been suggested. Unless, of course, you think abortion is birth control, which would make you too sad to even address...

Tell me how the first amendment has been 'breached'. Tell me who is suggesting forcing kids to pray in school. Tell me who is suggesting we outlaw birth control. I defy you to tell me what Bush has done to promote any of these things.

For all the "Conservatives believe Saddam Hussein destroyed the WTC" stuff, the Left certainly has their share of ignorant drones...
on Jul 02, 2005
Actually several of my comments were listing "worst case scenario" and when those reporters were forced to reveal thier sources, thats an ammendment breech, , also, prayer in school... hmm I live in the south where they ALREADY try to forcce my kids to pray , and we r NOT southern baptists and shouldnt be ostracized for it either, and , when right to determine what is best for a womans body is taken out of the hands of women, birth control will then be up for debate too, as many religions believe, that even averting a potential pregnancy, is a form of murder... who is suggesting kids pray in school??? the same people who try to force thier ideology down other people's throats... thats who. and while Bush isnt running the country while he visably thumps on his bible, he isnt where I feel the words Freedom and liberty are totally safe and respected , I dont BLAME him for it all... I blame complacent people who refuse to vote at all, or be concerned about the nations future, when all they seem to care about is stock futures, and cell phones... and how pretty they look ... geesh... these problems nationally are entirely too big to lay at the feet of a single person.
on Jul 02, 2005
The Constitution doesn't allow reporters to thwart law enforcement investigations. Your confusing the right to free speech with the right to silence. Obstruction of justice isn't a right, and reporters should obey the same laws we all do.

Anyway, the Supreme court differed with you, given they reviewed that case and found no reason to go against the court who demanded the source.

As for your son, you are either lying or, sorry, an idiot. The ACLU is poised and ready with legions of lawyers and millions of dollars to attack any whisper of religious influence in schools. They spend tens of thousands of dollars suing schools that simply post the ten commandments on the wall. If you are saying that people are "forcing your son to pray" in school, then you are either party to it by inaction or making it up.

Your ideas about Bush are wrong as well. Actually YOU are stifling the free expression of religious beliefs when you imply that our elected officials have to hide their beliefs in a closet.

You have the same problem many people seem to have. You think the mere mention of someone's beliefs is somehow compelling you to adhere to them. To be blunt, ma'am, not all of us give a damn whether you believe or not, but we still won't be silent about OUR beliefs.
on Feb 09, 2006
The government has already been spying on farmers and ranchers for years through the use of satalite photography. They have required me to purchase auto liability insurance while millions of illegql mexicans drive around in old cars at will. They rob part of my social security check to pay for their useless medicare program. They even tax the hell out of my social security check! They require witholding of money from my paycheck for taxes in the future. This witholding scheme is the biggest fraud ever perputrated upon the american people! This amounts to an interest free loan to the government before the taxes are even due! The government wants me to have to take a gun license course before I can carry a pistol. Hell, I have been hunting with pistols, rifles, shotguns, knives, and bow and arrows since I was a small kid! The second amendment gives me the right to carry a gun without any damn license! And I could prove it if I had enough money and the right lawyer! Why in the hell would I have to tag all my old wild cows? They are running wild in some of the wildest Texas cedar brakes imaginable, and it would cost thousands of dollars just to catch them. I, for one, don't want the government coming around my place for anything or any reason. I will continue to hunt, fish, fly my Sweizer saleplane, ride my harley,and ride my airboat without any supervison from the goverment.
on May 01, 2006
I like what you do, continue this way.
on May 01, 2006
I live in the south where they ALREADY try to forcce my kids to pray , and we r NOT southern baptists and shouldnt be ostracized for it either

perhaps you should not put your kid in a southern baptist christian school....

As for your other comments? heh....whatever. Lots of accusations, but nothing really in the line of reality. Or, perhaps you wish you were aborted as an unborn child?