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how many changes will we need to make?
Published on August 27, 2005 By Melissa176 In Current Events
IMHO, more than most people are ready to make. the way the world, and in particular, how this country works, we are in for some seriously hard times. the gas prices affect everything and while in comparison to bottled water gas is cheap, it affects more things than bottled water does. soon we will see grocery prices edging upward, because they cost more to get to the store, or electricity costs in the factrory or the paint on the label is petroleum based.. or all of the above , and the prices will incrementally go up. especially this winter. Fuel to heat homes will get more expensive. do you have a wood stove? and the ability to chop and aquire firewood? thankfully we do. how many trips to town do you HAVE to make in a day? thankfully... for us it is 2 a week max. our home at 1200 aq footage is not as hard to heat as many of the what are they being called? Mc Mansions ??? lol.. love that term.. well those will be tough to keep warm. have room for a garden? know how to make a "greenhouse?" even a "mini" one? know what veggies will grow good in a pot? if your a crafter like me, start looking at natural fiber. it is all renuable , warmer, softer, and a richer texture to use real wool.. it dosent have to itch I swear. I know my family is readying to make bigger lifestyle changes based on staying financially sound during the hard times ahead. My guess is, it will get worse, way before it gets better.

on Aug 27, 2005
We live in Hawaii. No air conditioning or heating. The Army pays our utility bills. We drive a sedan and do most of our shopping within a couple of miles of our house. The Army provides us with a Cost of Living Allowance that is adjusted based on the prices on island and a Sustenance Allowance for food (over $700/mo between the two) which will nicely cover the higher cost of groceries and other goods.

I'm not worried.