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Published on January 16, 2006 By Melissa176 In Misc
soon government wants to put tracking chips in my livestock . they want to track every move my horses and lambs make. they want me to pay for them to spy on me. They want to make my animals un-kosher thereby unavailable to some of my buyers. They want my kids to pay to show lambs at the State fair. NC is not on the ball at all about NAIS a soon to be mandatory program for all livestock owners. including poultry and hogs, sheep, goats, alpacas,llamas,horses, .. all of them .. why ? so they can enaact eminent domain and confiscate the line of registered corriedales I am breeding? So they can track the buyers of my animals? so they can know where I take them ? they SAY it is for disease purposes.. but with all the breeches of privacy how do we know it isnt to track sheep and goat meat buyers, after all maybe terrorists buy them... (sarcasm) and why in the world do we need to microchip our horses? this is getting ridiculous! I do NOT want George W to know how many lambs I have its none of his business. And for him to know how many lambs I have and other HOUSEHOLD information REALLY is NOT their business. How many small farmers need to go out of business? how high does the price of food have to get ????
because the government wants US to pay for the priveledge of hiring a vet to come in and place flawed tracking devices into animals that are already required to wear ear tags for ID purposes,
so that we can pay for the "chip" the implanting, AND the vet.
what about farms with 3000 plus animals? this is getting TOO big brother and it has GOT to STOP!
PLEASE do something , bring this into the public attention !!!! most ppl do
NOT know the government now wants this much control even over a little 4-H kids show lamb !!!
This is not just in one state, they want an information bank of every single animal and its movement nation wide. AT the farmers , and some of it , at tax payers expence. all sheep are already required to wear a state ear tag if they ever venture from home.. to show or sale. this tag has a number on it, saying it came from here, and what state I am in. cattle also wear ear tags like this , as does most livestock .. BUT now , if for example, my old female sheep who never leaves home, is here on my property, she has to have a chip in her... because she has come into contact with another sheep who went to the state fair once. EVEN though in order for the state fair sheep to GO to the fair, SHE was inspected by a vet , and wore her ear tag .. which was double and triple checked and she had her own health papers .. already costing me money, but now, we get to add , microchipping to the expence of having them ... where does it end??? if you disagree with the National Animal Identification system, the DO contact your congressman, this chip imbedded into the flesh , what else could itr have in it ? I TRY to only raise organic lambs. THIS is definatly not organic!!!!

on Jan 16, 2006
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