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Melissa176's Articles In Home & Family
March 11, 2005 by Melissa176
ON LEAVING. He turned around, to wipe her tear away . and sadly to tell her, he must go away. She watched him pack, and softly asked why Uncle Sam, made him , say goodbye. He took her head between his hands and said "its my duty, to defend this land" He put on his cover , and walked for the door. thats when it hit her, he was going to war. He saw there were tears she was fighting to hide, and he was proud that this woman would stay by his side. she lay her lips gently,across his...
March 17, 2005 by Melissa176
the slogging rain and the chill on the air makes chores harder than usual, but it smells clean, and crisp. I hear the sheep calling me, and the tiny higher pitched calling of a copy cat lamb makes me laugh. "Im coming " I tell them ... I get the hay from under the shelter, counting heads as I walk, and noticing no trouble. I toss the 3 large flakes into the smaller muddy yards. This span between spring and winter, that hjas all the cold wet rain and struggling grass to awaken is the worst. Th...
February 4, 2006 by Melissa176
YOUR home is being compiled onto a government tracking database.! It is if you own ANY livestock . do you have ONE horse? one chicken? the NAIS is a national ID center that WILL affect you. even if you do not have any livestock animals it will affect your choices. Do you like organic foods? how much ? Do you like lower food prices? how much ??? do you like being put onto a database without your permission? you may already have been ! The NAIS is a program the USDA...
April 12, 2005 by Melissa176
Lots to learn, farming on small scale, hard to save money this way too, but it is the main plan. it is like a contest for myself, with the electric bill as the final test. As I get better at cutting corners, I can see it there. and heck with gas prices going up the way they are, it cant hurt for me to engage in that kind of self contest. garden is in, veggies are planted,sheep are all shorn , and now we are hearing about the scares with livestock and children.. break out the bleach for horse ...
March 30, 2005 by Melissa176
I raise sheep... and for easter (in and around easter thereabouts) we have had 2 new lambs... "tater, and now "Rex" My sheep are like HUGE... with one adult ewe easily over 200lbs and my ram at 300 is no joke.. but "tater" joined us at 5lbs.. now Rex, was HUGE .. had I not been there to assist, We would have lost mom and baby today.. My friend was here ... fresh from Ca.. NOT a "farm girl" type, the expression she had when I put on shoulder length OB gloves, and turned to her saying "Im gonna...
March 22, 2005 by Melissa176
Well now the technical side of the civilized world will get to determine if I am a fit parent. I had a child living here who was a "neice " by friendship, I think we all have one , kindof like a psudo family member but not... anyway her mom was having a real hard time with her , the child was failing in school and had just stabbed a fellow student 3x with a pencil, so she came here to live, that was over a year ago back in Dec. Her grades came up to 95% and she was held accountable for her be...