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Melissa176's Articles In Current Events
March 31, 2005 by Melissa176
everyone villifies and condemns Michael Schiavo , I applaud him !!! what does he REALLY have to gain by standing up to the militant right to life movement? he has moved on, he has a new family YET he did all in his power to keep his WORD... how come noone can see MAYBE, he DID deeply love his wife, mounned the loss of her a few years ago, but noone publicly was around THEN... he MIGHT have come to terms, bt set his mind to keeping his promise to his wife that he HAD loved probably DEEPLY!.....
August 27, 2005 by Melissa176
IMHO, more than most people are ready to make. the way the world, and in particular, how this country works, we are in for some seriously hard times. the gas prices affect everything and while in comparison to bottled water gas is cheap, it affects more things than bottled water does. soon we will see grocery prices edging upward, because they cost more to get to the store, or electricity costs in the factrory or the paint on the label is petroleum based.. or all of the above , and the prices...
July 10, 2006 by Melissa176
Any way you slice it, poo is being slung into the proverbial fan. Terrorists are going to strike, after the next natural disaster but before the flu pandemic, and not before oil prices ratchet up another notch. Yet it seems most of the latchkey generation of entitlement, is living off both their credit cards and the belief that someone else will plan ahead.. for whatever. Seriously, how many people do you actually know who have more in their "pandemic kit" than fresh Ipod batteries? Ho...
February 21, 2006 by Melissa176
YOUR home is being compiled onto a government tracking database.! It is if you own ANY livestock . do you have ONE horse? one chicken? the NAIS is a national ID center that WILL affect you. even if you do not have any livestock animals it will affect your choices. Do you like organic foods? how much ? Do you like lower food prices? how much ??? do you like being put onto a database without your permission? you may already have been ! The NAIS is a program the USDA doe...